Data Gemma

Googleから発表されたDataGemmaも興味深い取り組み(DataGemma: AI open models connecting LLMs to Google’s Data Commons ( AI in reality with a little help from Data Commons (である。

Home – Data Commonsを利用してハルシネーションを抑えようというものでRIG (Retrieval-Interleaved Generation) とRAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) のユースケースを想定。モデルはgoogle/datagemma-rig-27b-it · Hugging Facegoogle/datagemma-rag-27b-it · Hugging Faceに公開れている。

上記モデルはRIGであれば「The DataGemma model (based on the 27 billion parameter Gemma 2 model and fully fine-tuned for this RIG task) generates a response, which includes a natural language query for Data Commons’ existing natural language interface, specifically designed to retrieve relevant data. For example, instead of stating “The population of California is 39 million”, the model would produce “The population of California is [DC(What is the population of California?) → “39 million”]”, allowing for external verification and increased accuracy.」、RAGであれば「The DataGemma model (based on the Gemma 2 (27B) model and fully fine-tuned for this RAG task) analyzes the user’s query and generates a corresponding query (or queries) in natural language that can be understood by Data Commons’ existing natural language interface.」とのことでData Commonsの既存インタフェースをうまく活用できるようになっている。

この手のfine tuningは重要になりつつあるように思う。


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